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Fourth of July Barbecue Ideas

Fourth of July
Superior Plus Propane

Independence Day is upon us, and for most that means a backyard barbecue filled with family, friends and lots of great food.  We have compiled a list of the best Fourth of July cookout recipes from around the web so that you can spend more time focusing on your guests and celebrating the birth of this great nation.

Main Dishes

Everyone looks forward to hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken on the Fourth of July, but basic burgers and chicken can be boring.  These recipes take chicken, burgers and hot dogs to a whole new level:

Side Dishes

Provide the perfect complements to your main dishes with the following side dish recipes:


No celebration is complete without delicious desserts.  The following recipes are tasty and provide a patriotic flare.

Happy Independence Day!

With these recipes on hand, your Fourth of July gathering is bound to be a delicious success.  From all of us at Superior Plus Propane, have a happy and safe Independence Day!

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