Underground Propane Tanks: What You Need to Know

When choosing propane to fuel your home, you have many choices to make. One of those choices is whether you should have an underground or aboveground propane tank. Although the installation of an underground tank may take more time because of the excavation process, there are many advantages to having buried propane tanks. If you are considering having an underground tank installed, read on to learn if this is the correct option for you.
Underground Tank Requirements
Since underground propane tanks are buried beneath the surface of the ground, they have more requirements than aboveground tanks. Installation of an underground tank must be done by a licensed professional. It is actually illegal to DIY it (Propane Tank Installation | Process, Preparation and Service (propane101.com)). A licensed professional can help you determine if an underground tank is right for you, as well as find the best spot on your property for the tank to be buried.
Things to Consider
For starters, not all propane tanks can be buried. Usually tanks must be at least 500 gallons or more for placement underground, although sometimes 250 gallons tanks can be installed underground (Propane Tank Sizes, Dimensions, Selection and Use (propane101.com)). The bigger the tank to be installed, the larger the hole must be to fit that tank. That means you must have an adequate size yard to have a buried propane tank (The Pros and Cons of An Underground Propane Tank | Upgradedhome.com). And underground tanks must be at least ten feet from the home, ten feet from the property line, and in a location free of tree roots (The Pros and Cons of An Underground Propane Tank | Upgradedhome.com). Lastly, underground tanks cannot be located anywhere in which a vehicle might drive over top of them–meaning, away from the driveway and the road (Underground Propane Tanks (propane101.com)). If you have a location that can meet all these requirements, then an underground tank might be the best solution for your home.
Advantages of Underground Propane Tanks
Underground tanks provide several advantages over aboveground tanks. Since they are buried below the Earth’s surface, they are naturally protected from extreme weather that can cause rust, peeling and corrosion (Understanding underground tank installation techniques – LP Gas (lpgasmagazine.com)). Also, underground tanks are buried, therefore, they are out of sight. All you will see is a dome cap to mark where the tank is, and that is easy to camouflage with landscaping (Understanding underground tank installation techniques – LP Gas (lpgasmagazine.com)). Lastly, underground propane tanks can last 30-40 years (The Pros and Cons of An Underground Propane Tank | Upgradedhome.com)!
Ready, Set, Install!
If you have decided an underground tank is right for you, don’t wait! Contact us today at (855) 804-FUEL or visit us at www.superiorpluspropane.com to have an experienced propane professional assist you with your fuel needs. We will be with you every step of the way, from placement to installation, deliveries and service needs.
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