Budget Payment Plan

Peace of Mind
The Budget Payment Plan ensures peace of mind with consistent monthly billing and paying a fixed amount each month. These payments are evenly spread over 12 months based on your current plan rate, historical volumes, and estimated taxes/fees.
Set Monthly Payment
Enrolling today activates your budget plan beginning on the first day of the next month. Any outstanding balance will be addressed during enrollment.
Consumption Adjustments
If your usage fluctuates, we will adjust your monthly payment accordingly, and will notify you in advance. This option makes budgeting easier with consistent monthly payments.

Do you want to take the guesswork out of your finances by evenly spreading your fuel payments throughout the year? Enroll in our Budget Payment Plan today! We will estimate your usage as accurately as possible to determine your monthly payment. This amount will be reviewed mid-year and may be adjusted to ensure a zero balance on your account at the end of the term. You can enroll anytime online!

Log into your mySuperior account.
Not registered yet?
Don't worry, it's easy. Start by clicking button below.

Click ENROLL on the dashboard.
Review your budget plan, monthly payment amount and then select your payment method.

That's it! Your Budget Payment Plan will take effect the next month.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your annual fuel expenses are calculated based on your prior historical usage, along with any applicable taxes and fees. This total is then divided equally over 12 months, simplifying your budgeting process. Track your current balance and budget statements anytime on mySuperior or through the mySuperior mobile app.
Enrollment is straightforward and always accessible 24/7 on mySuperior. Simply go to the homepage and choose "Enroll” in the Budget Payment Plan section. You will see a monthly payment amount tailored to your specific plan rate, historical usage, and any projected taxes and fees. Review and accept the terms and conditions, then click "Enroll." Your Budget Payment Plan will become active on the first day of the next month. It’s that easy!
Existing balances aren't included in the monthly payment amount shown during online enrollment. There's a step in the enrollment process for settling any outstanding balance.
For ultimate convenience, consider opting for automatic payments. This option is available at the end of the online enrollment process. Alternatively, if you prefer manual payments, you'll receive a monthly invoice for your budget plan amount. Please note that failure to make monthly payments may lead to the cancellation of your budget payment plan.
The budget payment plan covers the costs of fuel, delivery fees, and taxes. However, it does not include service work, additional fees, or tank rentals, which must be paid according to your terms. These items can also be set up for automatic payment. Simply choose the default option during automatic payments setup to apply this feature to all invoices.
We understand that conditions and consumption can vary. To accommodate this, we periodically review your plan throughout the year. This ensures that you don't experience significant discrepancies or overpayments by the year's end. If adjustments are necessary, we'll modify your payment amount and notify you accordingly.