Meet Our Leadership Team


Superior Plus Propane is guided by a passionate, insightful executive team made up of individuals who embody the values and perspective of our company. They are highly qualified in both our industry and their professional disciplines, and share a single goal—to deliver the best possible experience and value to our customers. While they may have a lot of people reporting to them, they ultimately work for you.

Tommymanion photo

Tommy Manion

Head of Superior Plus Propane

Chris defilippo photo

Chris DeFilippo

Vice President, Marketing & Corporate Development

Adesmann photo

Andy Desmann

Vice President, Finance

James Devens

Vice President, Operations (Northern New England, Southeast, and New York Regions)

Jeff Stanton

Vice President, Operations (Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, West, and Southern New England Regions)

Steve Murk

Vice President, Human Resources

Kimberly Saxton

General Manager, Customer Engagement

Dan Dixon

General Manager, Operations Support